Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Software That Lasts 200 Years

Software That Lasts 200 Years: "A new style of development
What is needed is some hybrid combination of custom and prepackaged development that better meets the requirements of societal infrastructure software.

How should such development look? What is the 'ecosystem' of entities that are needed to support it? Here are some thoughts:

Funding for initial development should come from the users. Bridges and water systems are usually funded by governments, not by private entities that will run them for generations. The long-term needs of the funders must be more inline with the project requirements than the investment return needs of most private sources of capital.

The projects need to be viewed as for more than one customer. A system for tracking parking tickets is needed by many municipalities. There is little need to have a different one for each. As a result, the funding should also be able to come from a combination of multiple sources. Funding or cost-sharing 'cooperatives' need to exist.

The requirements for the project must be set by the users, not the developers. The long-term aspects of the life of the results must be very explicit. Best-practices must be established, tracked, and revisited.

There is the whole issue of data storage and interchange standards that is critical to the long-term success and ability to do migration. Impediments such as intellectual property restrictions and 'digital rights management' chokepoints must be avoided. (Lawmakers today must realize how important data interchange and migration is to the basic needs of society. They must be careful not to pollute the waters in an attempt to deal with perceived threats to a minor part of the economy.)

Another critical issue is platform (hardware and software) independence. All development of long-term software needs to be created with the possibility of new hardware, operating systems, and other 'computer infrastructure' in mind.

The actual development may be done by business entities which are built around implementing such projects, and not around long-term upgrade revenue. Other entities are needed for providing the ongoing services with a mentality of keeping existing systems running. (The two entities may or may not be related.) Many such companies already exist.

The attributes of open source software need to be exploited. This includes the transparency of the source code and the availability for modification and customization. Much has been written with regards to open source and its value for bug finding, security checking, etc., which is why this is needed. The added benefit here is that society as a whole may benefit in unforeseen ways as new applications are found for programs, be they in the private or public sector. The availability of the source code, as well as the multi-customer targeting and other aspects, enables a market for the various services needed for support, maintenance, and training as well as connected and adjunct products.

The development may be done in-house if that is appropriate, but in many cases there are legal advantages as well as structural for using independent entities. Some governmental agencies may be precluded from licensing their results under licenses that are most appropriate for the long-term health of the projects. For example, they may be required to release the program code into the public domain where it may then be improved by others (and re-released under restrictive licenses) without a return benefit to the original funders.

Unlike much of the discussion about open source, serendipitous volunteer labor must not be a major required element. A very purposeful ecosystem of workers, doing their normal scheduled work, needs to be established to ensure quality, compatibility, modifications, testing, security, etc. Educational and other institutions may be employed with the appearance of volunteer labor as students and other interested parties are used, much as courts and other governmental agencies have used interns and volunteers for other activities. The health of the applications being performed by the software must not be dependent upon the hope that someone will be interested in it; like garbage collecting, sewer cleaning, and probate court judging, people must be paid.

The ecosystem of software development this envisions is different than that most common today. The details must be worked out. Certain entities that do not now exist need to be bootstrapped and perhaps subsidized. There must be a complete ecosystem, and as many aspects of a market economy as possible must be present."


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