Thursday, March 24, 2005

WikiNews Weather


Thursday, March 17, 2005

mhmmInfosistema eTest - Infosistema eTest 2003

Infosistema eTest - Infosistema eTest 2003

Continually improving your online learning platforms is just part of being in business these days. To stay competitive, you can't settle for just "good enough". That's especially true for your learning solutions: they've got to constantly evolve to become better, faster and more cost effective.

Well with Infosistema eTest either you get ahead your peers, you also control learning results.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ObjectGraph Dictionary

ObjectGraph Dictionary

This isn’t directly related to digitization, but ObjectGraph Dictionary illustrates an implementation of Google’s predictive-input “Suggest” feature. It would be nice to see this in all sorts of library applications (as Jenny Levine suggests in her blog entry), including search systems used to deliver digitized content.

How to destroy the Earth

Sam's Archive

For the purposes of what I hope to be a technically and scientifically accurate document, I will define our goal thus: by any means necessary, to render the Earth into a form in which it may no longer be considered a planet. Such forms include, but are most definitely not limited to: two or more planets; any number of smaller asteroids; a quantum singularity; a dust cloud.

Monday, March 14, 2005

project management in a nutshell


1. Agree precise specification for the project.
2. Plan the project - time, team, activities, resources, financials.
3. Communicate the project plan to your project team.
4. Agree and delegate project actions.
5. Manage, motivate, inform, encourage, enable the project team.
6. Check, measure, review project progress; adjust project plans, and inform the project team and others.
7. Complete project; review and report on project performance; give praise and thanks to the project team.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

YAML Ain't Markup Language

YAML Ain't Markup Language

Below is an example of an invoice expressed via YAML(tm). Structure is shown through indentation (one or more spaces). Sequence items are denoted by a dash, and key value pairs within a map are separated by a colon.

--- !^invoiceinvoice: 34843date   : 2001-01-23bill-to: &id001    given  : Chris    family : Dumars    address:        lines: |            458 Walkman Dr.            Suite #292        city    : Royal Oak        state   : MI        postal  : 48046ship-to: *id001product:    - sku         : BL394D      quantity    : 4      description : Basketball      price       : 450.00    - sku         : BL4438H      quantity    : 1      description : Super Hoop      price       : 2392.00tax  : 251.42total: 4443.52comments: >    Late afternoon is best.    Backup contact is Nancy    Billsmer @ 338-4338.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005



This site is dedicated to Pushlets, a server-to-client push technology. Read this whitepaper to get a first idea of the why, what and how and try out the Pushlet demos. Additionally, you may want to read my JavaWorld article on Pushlets.

Many other references can be found on the web (e.g. try a search on "pushlets" on Google). In print "Professional JSP" (Wrox Press 1th ed.) devotes text to Pushlets starting on page 610.

More and more Pushlets find their way into applications.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

User Experience Diagrams


How to Read and Digest a Book!
