Sunday, June 26, 2005

Mckinsey's 7-S Model


Systems: “.. are codified knowledge, organised in a logical sequence."
Structure:  "How an organisation breaks down its activities into distinct elements and how these elements are co-ordinated" 
Staff as "the quality and quantity of people employed" but also adds the management issues of "motivation, reward systems, the structure of jobs and team work" 
Skills is defined as "The competences the organisation needs in its people in order to perform difficult tasks to a high standard" 
Strategy as: "the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term: ideally, which matches its resources to its changing environment, and in particular its markets, customers or clients so as to meet stakeholder expectations"
Style is "the philosophy, values and shared beliefs adopted by managers in their use of power"
Shared Values:  "the basic values and mission of the organisation … they rise above profit targets and growth objectives by relating the goals of the firm to deeper human needs and principles".



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