Edward Tufte's Patient Status Summary

Figure 2. American Medical Association-designated basic metabolic panel (80048) graphic report. Values are given as Système International (SI) units for sodium, potassium, chloride, and carbon dioxide and as conventional units for blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, and calcium. To convert the values for sodium, potassium, chloride, and carbon dioxide to conventional (mEq/L), divide by 1.0; to convert the other values shown to SI units (mmol/L), multiply by the following conversion factors: blood urea nitrogen, 0.357; creatinine, 88.4; glucose, 0.05551; calcium, 0.25.

Figure 3. American Medical Association-designated hepatic function panel (80076) graphic report. Values given are conventional units. To convert to Système International units (g/L for total protein and albumin; µmol/L for total bilirubin; U/L for the other values), multiply by the following conversion factors: total protein and albumin, 10.0; total bilirubin, 17.1; other values, 1.0.